Tag Archives: Mexican Politics

Some Academic Surveys in Mexican Politics (updated Jan 26, 2016)

In this post I offer a very short and basic list of national surveys frequently used in academia regarding Mexican politics. It is far from complete, but at least it represents my very first draft on the topic. Hope this helps and any suggestion is very welcome.

All surveys on the list are free and publicly available:

Americas Barometer, Mexico’s sample 2004-2014: http://www.vanderbilt.edu/lapop/mexico.php

Mexico Panel Study 2012, 2006 and 2000: http://www.encup.gob.mx/en/Encup/Estudio_Panel_2012  and:  http://web.mit.edu/clawson/www/polisci/research/mexico06/index.shtml#

Mexico’s ENAFI 2013, 2008 & 2005: http://www.enafi.itam.mx/es/index.php  (Philanthropy and Civil Society in Mexico)

Mexico’s Sample of the World Values Surveys 1981-2012: http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSDocumentationWV6.jsp

Mexico’s Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES): http://www.cses.org/datacenter/module4/module4.htm

Mexico’s Sample of The Comparative National Elections Project (CNEP): http://www.cnep.ics.ul.pt/index1.asp 

Mexico’s National Survey on Discrimination in Mexico, Religious Minorities (ENADIS): http://www.thearda.com/Archive/Files/Descriptions/RELMINOR.asp

Mexico’s Global Views: 2004-2013: Mexican Public Opinion and Foreign Policy (Las Américas y el Mundo): http://www.lasamericasyelmundo.cide.edu/

National Values Survey (ENVUD): http://bdsocial.inmujeres.gob.mx/bdsocial/index.php/en/envud-292

National Survey on Political Culture and Citizen Practices (ENCUP)
(2001-2008) http://bdsocial.inmujeres.gob.mx/bdsocial/index.php/en/encup-28

Databases for Social Analysis in Mexico, more than 60 publicly available surveys here: http://bdsocial.inmujeres.gob.mx/bdsocial/index.php/en/

I will try to update this list soon.

(last update January 26, 2016)